This resonated so much with me, as a Jewish person who grew up in Iowa: "I felt grown-up actually. Especially about how babies were born and knowing that Santa wasn’t real. I liked being in on the real story."

I have a very vivid memory of my older sister explaining to me when I was about 3 1/2 that we know Santa Claus isn't real, but we can't tell any of our non-Jewish friends, because we don't want to ruin it for them.

I also remember learning religious Christmas carols in public school. In my day (this would have been the 1970s), no one complained but the music teacher did include one token Chanukah song (the worst one, about the dreidel!).

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Love your back and forth and all the memories! Fern, after living in NYC for many years and a first marriage into a Jewish family, I appreciate this greatly. Generally Iowans have only one lens through which to view this time of year.

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Loved hearing your stories, Fern & Joe. A great idea for a column. I’m going to share with family and friends.

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Happy Holidays to you both !

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