Thank you for the conversation, Megan, Fern, and Joe. It is heartbreaking to think this is going on in schools across the country and especially heartbreaking because it is happening everyday, everywhere in our state. I never thought I would see such an outright attack on public education and students from so many directions happening in Iowa. The behavior of the governor and the republicans in the statehouse is a disgrace. Thank you for your good and compassionate work, Megan. Bravo to the teachers.
Thank you for being direct and straightforward. Having worked in the offices, as well as classrooms, I've seen many administrators and teachers come and go. Every time (that I can recall) someone retires or moves on, there's an outcry demanding "nationwide search because no one here is qualified". And someone from out of state is brought in. Although these "outsiders" did not always bode well (recall one who used district time and emails to correspond with a boyfriend and another who stayed home one day to, admittedly, smoke pot, insisting it never interfered with his job), this continues to be precedent. Where is the current Dept of Ed from? Or, the new Supt of DMPS? Who will administer the governor's new private school voucher plan? Hopefully all will do well. But my bigger concern here is the message it sends to our current educators, administrators, employees, and citizens. What happens to morale in a profession where morale sinks a few more degrees as each day goes by? What's happened to acknowledging and affirming the hard working people who are already here? Is there really no one here who is qualified? ----Just my two cents worth.
Excellent, but sad article. I was the DMEA rep for teachers when we first moved to Des Moines in 2001. It was rough in urban schools then but at least there was parental support and adequate funding. Teachers don't get enough credit for the work they do in today's schools.
Thanks to Megan for hanging in there through difficult times, and thanks Fern and Joe for sharing your daughter’s story.
This voucher program will make things much worse for public schools. How could it not? We should get some numbers this week now that enrollment is over. It’s going to be much larger than legislators predicted.
I too am from NZ, as your piece got restacked over here. I was reading in a local blog yesterday why someone had emigrated from USA to here and they said their kids primary school practiced active shooter drills. They tell the kids that a fox has come into the school. That shit hurts my heart.
Hi, I live (happily) in New Zealand, so a long way from what you're experiencing locally. This is an eye opener. I wonder how many of those regulations would get passed if elected officials had to pass a critical reasoning test before being able to run for office.
The level of gun violence you experience is off the charts - I feel for you and your community.
Thank you for the conversation, Megan, Fern, and Joe. It is heartbreaking to think this is going on in schools across the country and especially heartbreaking because it is happening everyday, everywhere in our state. I never thought I would see such an outright attack on public education and students from so many directions happening in Iowa. The behavior of the governor and the republicans in the statehouse is a disgrace. Thank you for your good and compassionate work, Megan. Bravo to the teachers.
Thank you for being direct and straightforward. Having worked in the offices, as well as classrooms, I've seen many administrators and teachers come and go. Every time (that I can recall) someone retires or moves on, there's an outcry demanding "nationwide search because no one here is qualified". And someone from out of state is brought in. Although these "outsiders" did not always bode well (recall one who used district time and emails to correspond with a boyfriend and another who stayed home one day to, admittedly, smoke pot, insisting it never interfered with his job), this continues to be precedent. Where is the current Dept of Ed from? Or, the new Supt of DMPS? Who will administer the governor's new private school voucher plan? Hopefully all will do well. But my bigger concern here is the message it sends to our current educators, administrators, employees, and citizens. What happens to morale in a profession where morale sinks a few more degrees as each day goes by? What's happened to acknowledging and affirming the hard working people who are already here? Is there really no one here who is qualified? ----Just my two cents worth.
Excellent, but sad article. I was the DMEA rep for teachers when we first moved to Des Moines in 2001. It was rough in urban schools then but at least there was parental support and adequate funding. Teachers don't get enough credit for the work they do in today's schools.
Thanks to Megan for hanging in there through difficult times, and thanks Fern and Joe for sharing your daughter’s story.
This voucher program will make things much worse for public schools. How could it not? We should get some numbers this week now that enrollment is over. It’s going to be much larger than legislators predicted.
Thank you so much for these insights.
Excellent. Thank you for sharing.
Great column. I am grateful to the teachers in Iowa who continue to teach, despite all of the challenges they face.
I too am from NZ, as your piece got restacked over here. I was reading in a local blog yesterday why someone had emigrated from USA to here and they said their kids primary school practiced active shooter drills. They tell the kids that a fox has come into the school. That shit hurts my heart.
Hi, I live (happily) in New Zealand, so a long way from what you're experiencing locally. This is an eye opener. I wonder how many of those regulations would get passed if elected officials had to pass a critical reasoning test before being able to run for office.
The level of gun violence you experience is off the charts - I feel for you and your community.