The best neighborhood Aunties. Thank you for baby cuddling, the joy it brings makes me so happy.

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Our youngest son, Julian, came home one day in a funk. Mark was ready and asked if kids were making fun of him for having two dads. Julian replied "Dad, a lot of kids have two dads". Yeah, I hadn't thought of that--all the kids with divorced and remarried parents--like Fern & Joe.

I met a lesbian couple who adopted twin babies who were 6-8 months old and suffering from failure to thrive and only 5 pounts. They and their friends held the babies 24/7 for six months--and the babies were a normal weight. No one wanted the babies because they were "crack babies" and a fake study said parents were in for a lifetime of terror--and Dr. Charles Krauthammer wrote about it in the NY Times. As a doctor, he should have known science enough that you don't publicize a study of 20 babies done by a scam artist.

What was so horrible is that babies were just left to die because of the fake study. Here's a recap after 20 years: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1681748/

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A story that ends with a need to find more wall space to hang beautiful paintings and baby cuddling is simply the best! You brought smiles and virtual sunshine on this gray February afternoon. Thank you.

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What sweet story - I miss you two 🩷

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Great story. I would love to cuddle babies and write when I retire.

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Thank you, Fern and Joe. I had the privilege of cuddling a dear baby before he had surgery at Mary Greeley. I sang that little guy every lullaby I knew and he ended up melting into my arms.

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Love your columns.

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I love your paintings, and thanks for the baby pics!

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How much I love this and love cuddling Iris. I hope she doesn't get too busy too quickly. So good to connect with you.

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